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Capital Health's Trenton Neighborhood Initiative Scholarship can provide funding to help you pursue an education either in short-term credentialing programs or a health-related Associate Degree, such as:
Capital Health is dedicated to the well-being of the individuals and communities in the area surrounding Capital Health Regional Medical Center. Capital Health is committed to supporting its employees.
Capital Health’s Trenton Neighborhood Initiative Scholarship at Mercer County Community College is just one of several programs planned as part of a multi-year, $10 million investment in the people who live and work in Trenton. Capital Health is working with Trenton Health Team and other area partners to develop, fund, and execute these initiatives.
Capital Health’s Trenton Neighborhood Initiative Scholarship at MCCC is brought to you by three leading Trenton-area organizations:
To learn more or to apply, call Stacie-Anne Hannawacker
at 609.570.3202 or email Hannawas@mccc.edu